Water Ionizers & Our Super Team of Experts Can Help UNLOCK Your Summer Beach Body!

Posted by: On August 23, 2018 8:12 pm

With Labor Day around the corner – are you still struggling to hit your summer beach body goals?

Don’t panic because YOU STILL have some time to UNLOCK your dream summer beach body – so keep reading!

summer beach body
Don’t hit the snooze button on your summer beach body goals just yet…

Meet our Super Team of Experts!

If your budget doesn’t quite stretch to incorporate a personal trainer and/or nutritionist, we’ve got the next best thing!

We’ve assembled a team of the top health and wellness experts to give their BEST tips to help you train, eat and drink your way to a stronger, healthier shape in weeks!

Dr. Lori Shemek – the Nutrition & Weight Loss Expert!

dr lori shemek
Dr. Lori Shemek
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Tyent Water Ionizers: Our Secret Logic

Posted by: On August 20, 2018 4:45 pm

Values matter…such as integrity and doing the right thing. Here at Tyent – we hold these simple, yet vital principles close to our hearts as we try to inform others about how we build and sell our award-winning water ionizers and how we treat our customers.

water ionizers
Caring for our customers is at the heart of Tyent!

Our Core Values

In other words, these are Tyent’s Core Values and we uphold them every step of the way, all day every day. But what does that mean for you, the customer?

Let’s talk about what Our Secret Logic means. Our “secret logic” is that in order to be the best water ionizer company that we can be, we will provide you …

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Tyent Water Ionizers: Why Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Posted by: On August 14, 2018 2:51 pm

Did you miss our amazing Christmas in July sale last month?  Well, don’t kick yourself too hard because our award-winning water ionizers provide amazing value year-round that’s second-to-none!

water ionizers
Did you miss out on Christmas in July this year?

Electric Water Ionizer Imports from China: Are They Dangerously Cheap?

When you decide to buy an electric water ionizer to enjoy alkaline water benefits at home, you are making the conscious, healthy decision to invest in your family’s health and well-being.

The water ionizer buying process can seem overwhelming – and your inbox will be flooded with countless sales promos and “irresistible offers” that each brand will present to you. This is where things can get tricky – so pay attention.

If …

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Meet Joe Boccuti! Tyent Founder & President Talks Water Ionizers!

Posted by: On August 11, 2018 11:02 am

Here at Tyent – we love to talk about water ionizers and why they are so all-around AWESOME to have in your life.

But guess what? There’s no better person to explain why drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water (known as hydrogen water) is such an amazing gift to your health than the Founder and President of Tyent himself – Joe Boccuti!

You won’t believe what happened when Joe spent some time chatting with celebrity host and media personality Eraldo Maglara – so keep reading to find out!

water ionizers
NO ONE knows more about water ionizers than Joe Boccuti!

How Tyent Water Ionizers Began!

What motivated Joe to assemble the most accomplished engineers and water ionizer technology experts to create the best

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How Water Ionizers Inspire Celebrities to be Good Influences!

Posted by: On August 2, 2018 11:54 am

Why is alkaline water from our award-winning Tyent water ionizers so popular among health and fitness social media celebrities?

We sat down for a glass of chilled alkaline water with a few of our favorite athletes and health and wellness personalities to catch up with them and learn how Tyent water ionizers rock their world!

alkaline water
Keith Carlos: model, pro-sportsman, and Tyent alkaline water drinker!

Keith Carlos

NFL player-turned-model Keith Carlos has a rare perspective on how important proper hydration is; with a dual career at the very top of a physically challenging sport and modeling that is aesthetically demanding.

The molecular hydrogen (H2) found in Tyent’s alkaline water (better known as hydrogen water) is vital for efficient hydration and fast …

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Summer Fitness Goals? Water Ionizers Can Help!

Posted by: On July 23, 2018 6:24 pm

What’s the best way to stay fit in the summertime? To hit your summer fitness goals – some activities are more suitable for hot, sunny days in the summertime than in other activities.

summer fitness
Summer fitness goals? Get into the great outdoors!

5 suitable activities that you can take part in to meet your summer fitness goals are:


Stick to hiking trails that include areas of shade and make sure that you wear a wide-brimmed hat with cool, loose-fitting clothes to keep you cool along the way.

Be sure that you take snacks with you on the trails that will give you sustained energy (such as cashews or trail mix) – and don’t forget the sunscreen and plenty of Tyent …

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Conserving Water? America is Winning!

Posted by: On July 20, 2018 12:38 pm

Well, here’s some good news! Americans are conserving water at a higher volume than ever before, according to a prominent US Geological Survey.

In 1980, we were using around 112 gallons of water per day each. This plummeted to 88 gallons per day in 2005 and 82 gallons per day in 2015, marking a 27 percent decrease, despite the population increasing by 4 percent during that time.

conserving water
America is conserving water like never before! Credit: The Fiscal Times

Winning at Domestic Water Use!

The survey also highlights how domestic water use is relatively small compared to the various ways that water is used on an industrial scale. However, the signs that we’re using significantly less of domestic water are …

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Nestlé: Friend or Foe of the Forest?

Posted by: On July 18, 2018 6:24 pm

The Swiss transnational food and drink company Nestlé has won the latest round in a battle to retain the right to draw water from San Bernardino Forest in Southern California, to the dismay of environmental groups that have tried to stop the food giant from plundering the woodland water.

How sustainable is this kind of practice from Nestlé? Credit: Houston Chronicle

Licensed to Seize Water?

Nestlé drew 32 million gallons of water in 2016 using a gravity-fed, water tunneling retrieval system. The new three-year permit is designed to allow Nestlé to extract water only when natural water levels are sufficient to safely support native fish, wildlife, and plants.

However – environmental observers are not convinced that these conditions go far …

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Keep Your Cool – Water Ionizers to the Rescue!

Posted by: On July 16, 2018 3:11 pm

Do you find that the summer heat leaves you struggling to keep your cool in the sun?

We hear you – which is why we recommend drinking Tyent alkaline water from one of our water ionizers!

water ionizers
Feeling beaten by the heat? Consider using water ionizers. Credit: Digital Trends

Water ionizers have all kinds of tricks up their sleeve to help you beat the heat as the summer temperatures rise. What’s more, you’ll love every one of the benefits that a water ionizer can provide you, such as:

Cooling Facial Spritz

If you feel like you’re melting during the summer months, keep a spray bottle of pH balanced ionized Tyent alkaline water in the refrigerator to spritz on your face …

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Recognizing Sleep Deprivation & What to Do About It

Posted by: On July 14, 2018 1:01 pm

Everyone gets a bad night’s sleep now and then. But, did you know that every time you get less than seven hours of sleep, you enter a state of sleep deprivation?

The less rest you get, the more severe the effects of sleep deprivation become.

sleep deprivation

While some of the symptoms of sleep deprivation are obvious, there are other symptoms that you may not have considered. The good news is that improving your sleep environment and sleeping habits can help you get the rest you need!

What Does Sleep Deprivation Look Like?

Some signs of sleep deprivation are obvious like sleepiness, fatigue, and frequent heavy blinking, while other symptoms like appetite changes are more difficult to recognize.

A few symptoms of …

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